The Baja California Peninsula is one of the regions hardest hit by hurricanes in Mexico, but that is just one of the risks that Real Estate properties face in the area.

Therefore, taking out insurance is not optional, but must be seen as a part of the cost of owning a property in this area.

In addition to its vulnerability to hydrometereological phenomena, such as tropical storms and hurricanes, being a semi-desert area its orography is crossed by ravines of rivers and streams that remain dry for most of the year, but that will carry a large amount of water during periods of torrential rains. Furthermore, it is located in a seismic zone and the ejidal origin of many properties, which makes it important to get protected, and needs to be included in the title risks in the policy.

Nadezda Levy, Intercam’s Director of Insurance, said that policies are not only taken out for finished properties, but also can be very useful during the construction periods.
The most demanded insurance products, she said, are the insurance policies that offer coverage against hydrometeorological phenomena and for those, it is required to differentiate the property itself from the furniture and electrical equipment, and the so-called “outdoor goods” such as umbrellas and pools.

Usually you would have to pay an extra price, she added, for properties that are less than 500 meters from the seashore, because when a hurricane hits those are the first ones to be affected by the waves and the sand movement. Levy also clarified that the insurance fees may decrese when the owners invest in anticyclonic curtains. These curtains can reduce a grat deal the damage that a natural disaster can cause in a property.
